Orange blossom, to open to others
Also known as Neroli bigarade, the orange blossom (from the bitter orange tree) expresses a floral identity par excellence.
On the psycho-emotional level, the orange blossom invites to the opening to the others and to the world. The orange blossom helps to dramatize and overcome the sorrows and grudges of the past that can lead to emotional retraction.
Put the ball applicator on the inner sides of the wrists, rub the wrists together, wear them at the nostrils and breathe deeply and several times the aroma thus expressed.
Subsequently, you can apply it on other points of entry: hollow elbows, solar plexus, neck and neck, soles of the feet.
ORGANIC Orange Blossom essential oil (3%) in virgin jojoba oil from first cold pressed ORGANIC.
Botanical family of rutaceae.
Essential oil obtained by distillation of the flower.
The distillation of orange blossoms offers a low yield (as often for flowers), which explains its high price.
Roll'on of 10 ml.